Ultrapure water production

In the manufacturing of semiconductor products and solar cells, different water qualities are required depending on the product and production step. Similarly, H+E uses various manufacturing processes for its customers. It is especially important to remove particulate, ionogenic and organic contaminants – for the following reason: in order to meet the highest quality requirements, some ingredients in ultrapure water may only be present in the ppt range (parts per trillion). To achieve this demanding processing goal, adapted treatment steps and a selection of the right materials are required.

Pre-treatment for ultrapure water production
Which process combination is best suited for ultrapure water production depends in each individual case on the available raw water and the desired ultrapure water specification. For its customers, H+E combines pre-treatment processes that are ideally tailored to the required raw water quality. These can be simple multi-layer filters as well as activated carbon filters or ultrafiltration systems.

Make-up for the ultrapure water production
The different steps of the make-up process result in demineralisation and the reduction of organic carbon (TOC). Possible processing technologies are: ion exchange, reverse osmosis, membrane degassing, TOC-UV, EDI and mixed bed technology. The compact ROCEDIS.UPW plant concept we developed for ultrapure water generation is also available for smaller plant throughputs.

we develop process solutions that are precisely adapted to the location of the plant and that ensure the ultrapure water quality required by the customer.

Polishing for ultrapure water production
In the final stage of ultrapure water production, known as polishing, the highest UPW final quality is produced. The final treatment takes place before the water is fed into the distribution network – also known as the loop system. This enables us to ensure the required ultrapure water quality for our plants. This is achieved by UV irradiation, membrane degassing and membrane aeration, the use of a polisher mixing bed and a final ultrafiltration. The SEMICIRCLE loop system then distributes the ultrapure water obtained in the process to the various application sites.

Based on our many years of experience, we offer you:

  • Reliable assessment of the raw water situation regarding critical raw water components
  • Selection of suitable materials and aggregates for ultrapure water production
  • Construction and commissioning of reliable ultrapure water plants
  • Consulting and support in critical operating phases


Reverse osmosis unit in sanitary design

One of the most important issues within the food and beverage industry is a reliable daily supply of the desired water quality and quantity. It is vital for insuring high-quality products as well as dependable production with no downtime. The focus of Danone Ukraine is to follow extremely high international standards providing the best dairy products for the Ukrainian market.

The supplied RO unit is custom-made in sanitary design and equipped with a selection of customer-defined measurement equipment following the very high Danone standards for all components. The production needed a reliable supply of 12.5 cubic meters of demineralized ingredient water per hour.

The horizontal pressure vessels holding the membranes as well as the pipe system and valves are in stainless steel, quality AISI 316L. The unit also includes a UV disinfection unit as well as a cartridge filter on the inlet, and is equipped with a range of very high-quality instruments for measuring flows, conductivity, and redox. The inlet water for the RO unit is pre-treated in existing sand filters and ultrafiltration units.

The solution includes a CIP unit for the RO as well as installation and start-up. A factory acceptance test (FAT) has been performed in Denmark before delivery.


  • R1S-Series
  • R1S – SERIES SANITARY REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS are designed for sanitary applications. These systems can be 100% sanitary or designed to a certain degree of sanitary compliance. R1S – SERIES SANITARY REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS feature a new, innovative and expandable design. These systems feature only the highest quality components, including a programmable computer controller with […]

  • X1S-Series
  • X1S – SERIES SANITARY REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS are designed for high flow industrial sanitary applications. These systems can be 100% sanitary or designed to a certain degree of sanitary compliance. X1S – SERIES SANITARY REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS feature a new and innovative design. These systems feature only the highest quality components, including a programmable computer […]


Water Purification System

See All Packaged High Purity Water Systems

Pre-packaged water systems for biopharmaceutical, cosmetics and medical device manufacturing


  • Fast delivery with pre-manufactured systems
  • Easy installation/skid mounted systems
  • UL listed and Seismic Zone 4 compliant
  • Variety of piping selections
    • EPV Water Purification Systems Data Sheet 203 KB
  • All Documentation


Abrah Co Ro systems are economical and pre-engineered and can be delivered and installed quickly for those who have an immediate need, or future needs, for a validated water system. Designed to produce flow rates from 0.1 to 50 gallons per minute (gpm) (0.3 to 190 liters per minute [lpm]), at the point-of-use. These integrated, skid-mounted systems include pretreatment, make-up water, storage and distribution − everything you need to ensure a reliable, cost-effective, supply of high-purity water.

Abrah Co Ro system is very easy to configure and a variety of system configurations and flows can be arranged for specific client applications. Simply select from one of four process flow schemes, choose the preferred options including piping materials, and you are on your way to selecting the EPV system that will best meet your needs.

System Overview


• Carbon steel powder coated frames
• Multiple configurations (including Hot Water Sanitizable)
• Variety of flow rates
• Complete documentation package
• Validation package available
• On-site validation assistance available


Optional Factory Acceptance Test Meets or exceeds the following water quality requirements:

  • USP Purified Water
  • CAP l
  • ASTM l
  • 18.2 Megohm-cm Resistivity




MAK Water’s Demineralised Water Reverse Osmosis (DMRO) Plants are designed to treat fresh water, with < 1,000 mg/L of dissolved solids (TDS) and < 30 mg/L of suspended solids (TSS), to produce high purity demineralised water with TDS < 1 mg/L. The standard treatment process involves pre filtration (auto-backwashing multimedia filters and cartridge filters), anti-scalant dosing to prevent membrane scaling, two-pass RO desalination and a CIP system for membrane cleaning; with the inclusion of optional mixed bed ion exchange or continuous electro-deionization (CEDI), TDS < 0.1 mg/L can be achieved.

Additional pre-RO and post-RO treatment steps may be added as required to suit feed water conditions and/or treated water quality requirements. The MAK DMRO plants are available as skid mounted or containerised systems.

If you have specific requirements, contact us to discuss our custom designed desalination plants or ask about our hire options.


Parameter Units DMRO-25 DMRO-50 DMRO-100 DMRO-150 DMRO-250 DMRO-500 DMRO-1000
Permeate Flow Rate m3/day 25 50 100 150 250 500 1000
Permeate Recovery Rate % <55 <60 <75 <75 <75 <80 <80
Permeate TDS mg/L <1 (<0.1 with ion exchange or CEDI) @ 25°C
Raw Water TDS mg/L <1,000
Raw Water TSS mg/L <30
Raw Water Temperature °C <45
Ambient Design Temperature °C 5 ~ 45 (-15 ~ 50 for insulated containerized system)
Feed Water Inlet Pressure kPa >15 (flooded suction)
Permeate Discharge Pressure kPa ~40 (higher discharge pressures available on request)
Brine Discharge Pressure kPa ~40 (higher discharge pressures available on request)
Power Supply - AC 380~450 V, 3 Phase, 50/60 Hz
Power Consumption kW 4.5 6.7 10.2 15.2 22 33.5 67
No. Containers (Optional) - 1 x 20’ 1 x 20’ 1 x 40’ 1 x 40’ 1 x 40’ 2 x 40’ 2 x 40’


✓= Standard Supply o = Optional Supply - = Not Applicable

Equipment DMRO-25 DMRO-50 DMRO -100 DMRO -150 DMRO-250 DMRO-500 DMRO-1000
Skid Mounted Plant & Equipment
Low Pressure Feed Pump
High Pressure RO Pumps (Pass 1 & 2)
Pre-filtration Multimedia o o
Ultra Filtration o o o o o o o
Cartridge Filters
Post RO polishing Mixed Bed Ion Exchange o o o o o o o
CEDI o o o o o o o
Anti Scalant Dosing System
Membrane CIP System
PLC Control System with HMI
Containerized system, c/w A/C & Lights o o o o o o o
Container Insulation (walls & ceiling) o o o o o o o
Container Non-Slip Floor Coverings o o o o o o o
Container Side Access Door o o
Additional Pre-RO Treatment o o o o o o o
Additional Post-RO Treatment o o o o o o o
Premium Instrumentation Package o o o o o
Permeate Distribution Pump Set o o o o o o o


Instrumentation Standard Package Premium Package
Pressure Gauges
Pressure Transmitters (4-20 mA) -
HP RO Pump (Pass 1 & 2) Inlet Low Pressure Switch
Flow Gauges (Rotameters) -
Flow Transmitters (4-20 mA) -
Conductivity Transmitters (4-20 mA)
Float Switches (Feed/Permeate & Chemical Dosing Tanks)
Remote Monitoring & Control Capabilities -